Selected Live Recordings of Music Composed and Arranged

 by Lucília Guimarães Villa-Lobos

From the 1999 March, Live Concert Recording of the 3rd International Festival of Women Composers, Miriam Zach, director; Memorial Auditorium, University of Florida, Gainesville, 1999.  Marcus LaPratt, tenor, Crystal Miles, piano:

Selected Songs, from Cantar é viver, vol, 6 by Lucília Guimarães Villa-Lobos [Note that these mp3 files are designed to be played with the Quicktime plugin available free from Apple computer. Also some browsers will not allow the plugin to work for security reasons and you will have to manually give permission.]

  • Cismando [Musing]
    MP3 Track 2 (1:40)
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  • Uma  Flor singular, [A unique flower]
    MP3 Track 3 (2:00)
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From the 1965 January, Live Concert Recording: Gravações de dois recitais do Orfeão Paraíba do Sul [Live recordings of two recitals of the Paraíba do Sul Chorus at the Teatro Procopio Fereira, on the occasion of the city’s anniversary, 15 January 1965] Sob a Regencia da Profa. Lucília Guimarães Villa-Lobos [Under the direction of its founder Professor Lucília Guimarães Villa-Lobos], Gravações Eléctricas S/A (Discos  Continental) LPR-117, São Paulo, Brazil, 1965 (LP).


Prefixo – Exaltação à minha terra (Lucília Guimarães Villa-Lobos)
MP3 track 1.1 (0:49)
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Banzo de negro (Aricó Junior, Arr. Lucília Guimarães Villa-Lobos)
MP3 Track 1.6 (1:35)
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Alvorada na roça (Lucília Guimarães Villa-Lobos, Letra: Ariovaldo Pires)
MP3 Track 2.1 (1:51)
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Onde é que você mora? (Folclore mineiro, Arr. Lucília Guimarães Villa-Lobos)
MP3 Track 2.2 (0:59)
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Canta caboclo (Oscar Souza Mello, Arr. Lucília Guimarães Villa-Lobos)
MP3 Track 2.3 (2:28)
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Trovador (Jair Amorim, Evaldo Gouveía, Arr. Lucília Guimarães Villa-Lobos)
MP3 Track 2.4 (1:12)
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Tamba-Tajá (Valdemar Henrique, Arr. Lucília Guimarães Villa-Lobos)
MP3 Track 2.5 (1:20)
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Boi Bombá (Valdemar Henrique, Arr. Lucília Guimarães Villa-Lobos)
MP3 Track 2.6 (2:01)
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